Author: Natalie Kinsey

The straddle

I like how tuning a vibration works. It’s astonishing, really. I was about to say that if you told me when I was a young child that I could just want something, imagine it is mine, know that is mine, before I have ANY evidence of its mineness (besides the…

Adventure, How

Lots of us want to be more liftable to adventure, less dense and stuck in patterns of who we’ve already been and don’t want to be anymore.  I wager that we can use adventure to greet our new inner shores by kissing new outer ones.    0. Initially, and because…


“After a bomb killed two dozen young people at a Tel Aviv Disco a few years ago, Israeli youth refused to be cowed.  They resumed a robust nightlife.  Today, outside the scene of the bombing, beneath a stone memorial listing the names of the dead, is a single inscription: LO…